Thursday 10 November 2016

Beth: Dancing Around the Campfire!

 The other night, I headed up to the campground. You may not know, but if you press A while facing the fire, you do a little dance.

 Joan visited me for the second time. I was wondering how long it would take for a duplicate camper!

 Yesterday, I noticed a new plot. It's for Rizzo the mouse, who I think I had as a starter in my very first town! His house is in a popular plot, next to Lily's.

 I paid Harvey for his balls.

I had a camper in another part of town, Tiffany the rabbit. I'm not that interested her, so I left pretty quickly :P

 Last night, I visited Forest. He had scanned in Digby so we both headed to his RV.

 It turns out I could order both the New Nintendo 3DS & Wii U consoles from his RV! I'm so happy I don't have to go through fortune cookies anymore, and I can't wait to try the mini-games!

 I also bought a bike from Harvey's shop. It turns out if you find things you like, those MEOW coupons can go down pretty quickly.

 I realised this is the first time I've seen the campground with two RVs!

 I bought what I could afford from the sweets set before it goes from Gracie's for another year.

 Today, I added the Wii U and 3DS to my basement, along with the Labrador Ornament and Isabelle 3DS that Jeff very kindly gave me. Thanks, Jeff!

 I headed to Nook's Homes, and met Lottie! I'm not sure if President Nook is scarier than President Trump or not.

  Lottie gave me a quick tutorial about using the new interior design features with the update. I sped through, as it's the same way as moving furniture in HHD.

I ordered a few tables to put my new DS's on. They should be in my mailbox tomorrow!

Thanks for reading! So far, I'm really enjoying the update, by the way!

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