Monday 25 September 2017

Squishy: In the Chip of time!

On Friday I remembered that Portia moved out. So long pup!

Stitches said he was tired from relaxing all day. Me too!

Rosie mentioned skipping around with coconut soda. Wait what? Is this a real thing that exists?

I went to the campground for old time's sake and there was a camper I haven't seen before. It was Chip!

I must have missed his camper all this time. Well its nice to see him without his hat. He looks adorable without it!

I started clicking on things in his RV and realised that the fish flopped about. That was an instant purchase for me!


Other than that I haven't been playing as much. I've been distracted by other things (looks at Zelda)

Seriously though I'm also testing out some Twitch streaming to see if I enjoy it. There will be updates about it on my Twitter. Thank you for reading and have a good week!

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