Sunday 15 April 2018

Miitopia: A bit of banter

Its been a while since I posted anything related to Miitopia, and I'm lucky that I can. So let's get started!

Chack wanted a whisk for some weird reason. Ask and you shall receive I guess...

Jeff also wanted a new weapon, so I gave him a chopper (not the plane though)

I've always neglected to talk about the food mechanics in this game. They work similar to Tomodachi Life, in that each Mii has different likes and dislikes. Except now they can improve the stats of your party (if the member likes them). You can tell by their faces in these two images they they have different reactions.

Here is my current party after all that Dark Lord trouble!

Not for long, because Chack reached Level 11 and learnt Cheer On!

The party set up camp to rest and have a bit of banter...

But the so called "banter" turned into a horror story.

The story helped Jeff and my Mii bond and they reached Level 6 friendship, learning Lend a Hand

They talked through the night, waking up outside!

Apparently, Squishy was still tired, because she ended up having a rest after becoming "naughty"

She was next to reach Level 11 and learnt Enlarge Weapon. If this move is what I think it is, then that's awesome!

Beth was next to join the Level 11 club, but got no addition rewards.

Enlarged Weapon was actually what I thought. I'm not disappointed!

Now everyone is Level 11, but Jeff also get anything else.

Beth and Jeff's Friendship reached Level 8 and learnt Charity

Thank you for reading and there

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