Monday 8 January 2018

New Leaf: Regretti

It was evening by the time I played today. I love seeing Rolf's head popping out from behind the river every time I play.

 So I crossed the water and spoke to him. He just talked about the Streetpass thing in ReTail that no one seems to notice.

Filbert mentioned moving again. I continued to let him go. He really likes comparing his departure with food though.

There was an igloo in town and Peggy was in it. To me she looks the most human out of all the villagers.

Where's Angelica and Eliza though?

Jeremiah wanted me to go catch him an ocean fish. I declined but he thinks its because I suck at fishing. 

With my new mannequin I put my Santa outfit up for easy changing, next to my Shammrock Day and summer outfits.

I recently bought myself some Animal Crossing amiibo for Christmas so I scanned in our favourite mole, Resetti!

Straight after Flurry came over. I just took her orange then waited for her to leave

I then left to check out Reseti's camper. The outside actually looks adorable!

The inside... not so much.

If you talk to him enough, he tells you exactly how to enter the Reset Centre. What a guy!

One of the items that could be bought from his camper is the Resetti model from Groundhog Day. This is an American exclusive holiday, and the even will happen soon so I bought it.

One thing I was curious about was if Wisp would show up instead of Resetti if I quit without saving. So I saved (to keep the camper there), went back on then left the game. Sadly Resetti showed up still...

He changed his clothes fast!

I slightly regretti my decision though since in European versions of New Leaf (and Lets Go To The City) if you reset 50 times, Resetti actually deletes your town. What does he have against us? Well I don't know how many times I reset since I don't document them all.

Thank you for reading and have a good week!

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