Sunday 25 February 2018

Miitopia: Friends and Foes!

First off, I accidentally deleted some of my images, so if something is out of place I'm sorry. But this won't affect the plot of the main story.

So at some point I learnt the skill Explosion, which hits all the enamies on the battle field in one blow

Everyone is becoming better friends at the inn. Squishy and Jeff reached Level 5 and learnt Praise, while Chack and Beth reached Level 6 and learnt Lend a Hand.

After that, Chack and Beth did some training!

Jeff and Chack won a holiday and learnt Warning after reaching Level 4.

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Once we all rested and headed out, we found prince Demon!

He's a rude little prince. He's also useless on the battlefield.

Even when one of us is dying, he does nothing!

Jeff did eventually faint so Beth resurrected him and they Level up to 7 and learnt Get Well Soon!

We got a feast fit for a Mii army for our troubles.

While of course, Demon was taking the credit...

Your not even holding a sword!

Back at the castle, Alm managed to get in and visit Elise

Demon wasn't happy about that and they started having a huge argument.

Even Ice King was concerned, so he sent us out to find a calming fruit (along with another 500G)

Thank you for reading and I hope everyone is enjoying Miitopia!