Sunday 8 July 2018

Miitopia: Hungry Mummy Hippos!

I just noticed that I have exactly the right amount of bananas to share between everyone.

I started copying Amaris, which eventually got weird...

Back at the inn, Death and I reached friendship level 7

I quickly made a pit stop in town to return Link's face.

I came across a new enemy, Kind Golems! They look so adorable!

The gimmick with them is that they take the pain for each other. That's unique!

Amy did the same, except it was to save herself. I didn't like that...

They make good steaks though!

I enter The Great Pyramid, where Proton Jon is. Amaris and I discussed it.

Is it just me, or does the mummy look like a hungry hippo?

Death won the game of hungry hippo and his award was reaching level 10. He also learnt Brain Drain.

Hey! This is me in school!

Amy was next to reach level 10 followed by my Mii. Amy can use double scratch!

I pulled a lever and almost got squashed. That was close!

Death and Amaris got into a fight. Sucks that it happened to my popstar, since they can usually stop them.

Thank you for reading and have a good day!

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