Sunday 12 August 2018

Miitopia: Pep talk!

Its been a while since I wrote these Miitopia posts, so I forgot this was a thing.

Amaris finally forgave Death. Everyone is at peace again. Yay!

Amy and I reached friendship level 12 and can now do pincer!

Then I wanted to visit Amaris and tell her a story about... something. I can't really tell.

At least Amaris and I reached friendship level 6 and can do Lend a Hand.

I guess Death found Amaris' gesture to be sweet, because he went out and got a sweet spear.

Everything is nice and peaceful again (besides the main story of the game, but lets just be in the moment).

Amy and I used Pincer for the first time. I missed being able to do this.

We got some puppet peppers out of it.

Death was randomly in the darkness during the event. What?

Then out of nowhere, the Miis wished him happy birthday. I don't know if this happened on the Mii's actual birthday or not since I write these in bulk. But if it did, Happy Belated Birthday Deathrow!

I even got a cake as a gift.

Back at the inn, I did some cleaning while Amaris watched.

This got us up to friendship level 7. Woohoo!

Death and I got some new clothes, while Amy... yeah

Amaris hasen't gotten some new clothes in a while. Hmmmmm.

The Miis had a quick pep talk, I mean very quick!

Thank you for reading and have a good week!

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