Friday 31 August 2018

September-October blog schedule, Warioware and podcast explained

Its that time of year again where school begins and I need to start looking into changing the schedule. There will be a few changes in my life that might affect blogging, so this is an update. I’ll also be bringing up some other things, like exact days for Warioware covers and the explanation about the disappearance of my podcast. That will all be explained here!

So for the blog. Since I’m starting college midway through September, I decided to keep posting days the same as usual (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday), but will be having more leeway with what content goes up on what days. For example, I might post something Miitopia on a day that would usually be for New Leaf, or something like that. The blog days will be looked over again at the end of the month once I get a clear idea of my college schedule and workload.

Next is Warioware DIY music covers/remixes. First of all, thank you so much for nearly 80 subscribers! It doesn’t look like much, but that’s enough people to fill a rollercoaster! I really appreciate the support for my covers. If you haven’t been on my YouTube channel or haven’t heard any of my covers yet, you can find it here! So for the Warioware schedule in September, I decided to post them on Tuesdays and some Saturdays. I’ve been posting them pretty much randomly and want some order in when I post them.

Lastly is my podcast. Yep! The thing that I haven’t done much with after three episodes since May. I mentioned the reason once on my Twitter and just left it at that, but I figured that I’d bring it up here too. Around the time I started the podcast, I’ve been getting worse in social situations. It has nothing to do with the podcast itself, but I do tend to overthink a lot about everything. I’m a bit of a perfectionist as well so if something can’t go right I freak out. Due to getting worse in social situations, I started stumbling over my words or even stuttering whenever I’m nervous or having a panic attack. That also explains the lack of blog posts sometime around July-August. I started getting scared of what other people think of me and putting people on imaginary pedestals where they are perfect people, while I watched from the ground wanting to be perfect too. I need to build up my self esteem and confidence, but also need to improve on my social skills a lot.

So throughout the next month or two, I’m going to work on starting up the podcast again, but mainly for my improvement and because I enjoy it. It will still be on Saturdays but not every week. The non-podcast Saturdays will be handed over to Warioware covers. Podcasts are also posted on my YouTube Channel.

So for a recap, Here’s what the schedule looks like for everything!

Monday - Blog: New Leaf/Other
Tuesday - Youtube: Warioware
Wednesday - Blog: Miitopia/Other
Thursday - 
Friday - Blog: New Leaf/Other
Saturday - Youtube: Podcast/Warioware
Sunday - Blog: Miitopia/Other

(Posts may be shuffled when needed)

Thank you so much for reading and I’ll be back with a future update at the end of September!

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