Wednesday 29 August 2018

Miitopia: Sibling duo!

When I reached the inn, I got news that I'm getting a new party member!

I chose my brother (who is nicknamed Scrappy) because he wanted to be the tank since release and I'd feel bad not letting him fulfill his destiny.

So meet Scrappy the Tank!

There's also two more friends coming. Ooh!

Right off the bat, Scrappy wanted a new weapon, the Acon shell. The Tank uses shells!

Its weird having my brother in this game, but I'll give it a shot!

Careful where you point that thing!

After a battle, Scrappy reached level 2. Now we're both equally leveled.

While on my travels, I met the Great Sage Chuggaa again.

He congratulated me on my work in the previous area and I told him about the kidnapped party again.

So he told me to head for the Elvan Retreat, where the most gifyed magic users are.

Back at the inn, Scrappy gifted me with the Goblet of Fire a copper goblet and we reached Friendship Level 2.

I got some cute new clothes though.

I'm a cherry blossom now!

One bad thing about having my brother in the party is that I made the mistake of letting him choose my battle cry. RIP.

I don't remember what's going on in this photo, but it looks kinda epic!

Thank you for reading and have an awesoem week!

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