Tuesday 12 July 2016

Beth: Gyrating Seagull

I unfortunately haven't managed to play a lot over the past few days due to a little personal stress, but I managed to play this evening.

Yesterday, I came across another house plot! Olivia the cat. Again, not a favourite, but definitely not bad either. 

 I've been sure to catch the July bugs, including those you usually miss. Better than getting bitten by those pesky things!

 I came across a much bigger bug while I was wandering Acorn...a scorpion! Over the 3 years I've been playing New Leaf, I still haven't caught one. Maybe this summer will be the one!

 I went down to the beach to check for beetles, and came across Gulliver. He talked about gyrating hula girls, and that's when I knew the answer :P Let's just hope he isn't going to join them...

Thanks for reading! I'll be back in a couple of days, so see you then.

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