Sunday 16 December 2018

Squishmas 2018 Day 4 - Stardew Valley Winter Events

A year ago, I had a Stardew Valley series on the blog, which ended quickly due to not having an SD card for images. One ting I realised though is that I nevver did the witer events in the game. I ended the series in the beginning of winter. So I'm going to go back and finished what I started once and for all!

The first Festival is the Festival of Ice! Sounds nice, but it involves fishing and ummm...

I have been getting better on another save file, but its still been a while. I'll have a go at it though!

I only caught four fish. Plus Willy won. It feels like cheating to have a fisherman participate...

The next event was recently added to the Switch version of the game (so I had to play an extra year to do it...). Its the Night Market!

Its three nights with the same markets. Different townspeople will show up each night with different things to say.

I got free coffee! Perfect for a cold winter's evening.

They had a few stalls set up and a way t teleport somewhere. Cool!

There was a show with a singing mermaid. Pretty!

I drank my coffee during the show ad this happened. Does this happen naturally or did I trigger something?

It just gets crazier and crazier. I can see why Jas wasn't allowed to watch it now.

There was also a fishing mini game. I had enough fishing for one winter.

The last event was the Feast of the Winter Star. It basically Secret Santa. I got Haley!

I gave her a diamond, just because I can. She didn't seem very excited though. How rude!

Alex got me a pink cake though, which really makes up for it!

My favourite event would have to be the new Night Market one. There's so much to do and see, even if three days feels like too much. Thank you for reading and have a good day!

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