Sunday 2 December 2018

Miitopia: YOU FIEND!

In the forest, Pearl started asking about our goal. She doesn't seem as confident as Amethyst, but she's calmer, which I like.

Dylan used Booby Trap for the first time! heheh, booby...

Scrappy also gained a level during that fight. No new skill but he's still stronger than before.

Scrappy used Human Cannonball for the first time on Bree

She wasn't very thrilled with being used as a projectile.

We camped out again for some banter. Its weird seeing the word "banter" in a video game like this.

They told spooky stories and fell asleep outside!

Even after Bree as shot out of Scrapy's cannon, their friendship grew to level 5.

Squishy could have gotten a new weapon, but chose a banana instead. Come on!

At least Scrappy can handle his money!

I got a ticket for a holiday and used it on Dylan and Squishy. We can now use Show Off together!

Bree got herself a polka dot gown in a chest. Yay!

We came across a fiend. Oh boy...

Rant time, These things SUCK! When they use their weapon, they do 999 damage, instantly killing a party member. They are also immune to magic, which is kind of what my Mii is currently best at, si I'm having to rely on the rest of my party's AI to get through it. YOU FIEND!

So Bree was the first to get killed by it!

Then Scrappy hit me, which honestly doesn't help in this particular battle!

Then Scrappy got killed (that's what I call karma). Thank goodness I have the ability to revive the dead.

Then Dylan died. If my own Mii had died and I ran out of reviving sprinkles, we would have been doomed!

Luckily we defeated him first time! Dylan got a level up and learnt Pilfer!

Back at the inn, Bree and Dylan did some training and reached friendship level 2

Then Scrappy and Dylan got some new stuff!

Thank you for reading and have a good day!

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