Thursday 20 December 2018

Squishmas 2018 Day 8 - Short version and most popular posts this year

Today is when I'm going to release the shorter version of "Here Comes a Thought". You can find that here! But just posting to talk about a slight repeat would be kind of boring and a waste of a Squishmas day, So I'm also gonna look back at three of my most popular posts this year.

Comparing Tomodachi Life food prices to real life
This is somehow my most popular blog post. I don't know why and how Tomodachi Life food prices are so popular, but this is a series that I really need to revive! You can find that post here!

Squishy's thoughts on Virtual Reality (from someone with a visual impairment)
This is also a weird one, but for different reasons. A little over a year ago, I had the opportunity to try VR as part of a school trip. The catch is that I wear glasses and can only really see through one eye, so my experience was a little unique. You can read the post here and see what I thought!

Squishmas 3 (2017): Dreaming of Navidad
Yep, a Squishmas post from last year made it at number 3! I remember this town being amazing. I haven't visit it since last year, but I enjoyed it fondly. You can read about this dream town right here!

So there you had it! Those are my top thee posts on the blog. Its nice to have a look back at what I've done and everyone's input on it. Thank you for reading and have a good day!

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