Friday 21 December 2018

Squishmas 2018 Day 9 - Winter Solstice

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year!

Isabelle was outside handing out blue glow sticks!

There was also a face cutout board, for people who have friends

I finally got around to meeting my newest villager, Muffy!

I think she gave me a Toy Day clue, but it isn't in blue so I'm not sure. I wrote it down anyway!

She did give me a normal clue, so I have something to work with!

Rosie requested a new PWP. A metal bench!

In her house, Pompom started talking about her plant. You weird duck!

Unless its made of bread, I don't think so

I cam across a snowball. Oh yeah! Snowmen!

Thank you for reading and I hope everyone is excited for the upcoming brighter days!

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