Wednesday 19 December 2018

Squishmas 2018 Day 7 - New Year's resolutions

Its a little under two weeks before 2018 is over and we move into 2019. This year has been great! We've had awesome games, some decent memes and some other cool stuff. Today, I am going to be going over my New Year's Resolutions for 2019. Unlike last year, I will also be adding some real life based ones rather than just gaming related ones. So lets do this!

Be more social
This will probably be the one New Year's Resolution that I put on my list every year until the end of time and never be able to complete. But I'm still going to try and strive for it just in case it magically improves. Not much hope for it, let's wait and see!

Be more consistent with the blog
Ever since I started posting videos on my Youtube channel, I have tried my best ti not miss a post date and have made substitutions whenever I really couldn't post that day. Now I have 60 something Warioware videos out and have managed to post at least 3 per week for 3-4 months. I'm proud of that. However, I'm kind of disappointed with how I go about with the blog. It used to be that if I couldn't post, I had a valid reason for it and let others know. Now I miss days consistently because I'm deep in thought or just didn't think about it, but I left it with no explanation. One particular time I remember is when I just randomly stopped posting for a month straight for practically no reason. I want to start being more consistent with my blog like I do with my YouTube channel.

Remember to do Animal Crossing events
If I got £5 for every time I said I would do a Fishing Tourney and ended up not doing it, I would be able to pay off my student loans. I eed to nip this problem in the bud now, especially before the Switch game comes out because I don't want to miss anything in that game.

Finish my Miitopia series
I'm enjoying the game and plan on blogging about it until I finish the main story. But wow it feels like its dragging on. I want to finish it this year so that I can play something different.

Reach 750 subscribers on YouTube by the end of 2019
This might be a stretch, but I wa originally hoping to reach 100 subscribers by the end of the year. Somehow, I managed to reach over 150. Thank you everyone who helped me reach that goal! 750 might seem a little extreme, but I'm feeling lucky and feel like its somewhat possible.

Learn to cook
Yes, I'm a grown woman who can only use a microwave and a toaster. Even taking hot things out of the oven freaks me out. I want to be able to cook some of my favourite easy dishes by the end of the year. I don't have to know how to cook everything from scratch. I just want to be more confident in the kitchen and not feel like I'm going to burn the house down. I just wanna make bacon or sausage sandwiches without needing a more experienced adult's help.

So those are my new year's resolutions for 2019. Thank you for reading and have a good day!

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