Wednesday 30 May 2018

June Blog schedule and updates!

Its nearing that time of year again, where my calendar doesn't give me a break... June is an important time for the blog with a lot of events and stuff, So I decided to change the schedule up a bit just for this month. I will still be posting four days a week, but the schedule will be as follows;

Monday - Animal Crossing New Leaf
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Miitopia
Thursday -
Friday - Other stuff
Saturday -
Sunday - Miitopia

I decided to try posting Miitopia twice a week and reduce New Leaf to once, just to see how it goes. Animal Crossing is getting kind of slow lately and people seem to be enjoying Miitopia! If it doesn't work, I'll more than likely set the schedule back to normal on the 25th June.

I mentioned earlier that June is an important month. That's because there's E3 (which I will be covering the Nintendo aspects like usual). Expect some predictions and my thoughts after.

There's Q Con, which is a local gaming convention that has a special place in my heart. I will be cosplaying there as Fawful from the Mario and Luigi series (not sure which days yet, the weather has been really warm lately). Since I will be there, I won't be posting on Friday 22nd. I will give my thoughts on the event on the 24th (if I'm not too tired lol).

Then I will also have a special blog post on Tuesday 12th. Older viewers might know why, but I'll just leave it at that. Thank you for reading and I hope every enjoys what is to come!

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